Greetings, I am Fredline Pierre, an alumna of Florida A&M University. I am currently a grad student at Florida State University and an educator. I joined BSLS in 2016. I am a part of the graduating class of FEARLESS 62! I’ve held 4 positions while being a part of BSLS. BSLS was and is my first love on the campus of Florida A&M University! I am now the National Liaison serving 6 chapters. Being a part of BSLS has allowed me to not only be a mentor but to also get mentored! I’ve always had a support system with my sisters. This organization has taught me responsibility (not just for myself but for the people around me), leadership, and teamwork! Becoming a part of this organization I now have sisters and skills for a lifetime! It's not just being a part of an organization but a sisterhood!